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TOP > Empowering Your Indigo Child A Handbook for Parents of Children of Spirit【電子書籍】[ Wayne D. Dosick Ph.D. ]

Empowering Your Indigo Child A Handbook for Parents of Children of Spirit【電子書籍】[ Wayne D. Dosick Ph.D. ]

<p>Since the 1980s people have been writing about the indigo children. Today, many believe that nearly 80 percent of all children born are indigos. These are exceedingly creative, high-energy, perceptive kids who often don’t fit in. They seem to have an awareness that is light years beyond their age and quite often they are labeled as ADD, ADHD, or ODD when in actuality they are, in the words of the Dosicks, simply “children of spirit.” What sets this book apart from other books is that it approaches the issues facing indigos on a spiritual-energetic rather than purely cognitive level, and it is prescriptive, teaching a specially developed set of games that can help heal indigo children both in their own bodies and in their earthly relationships. Here the Dosicks name seventeen particular emotional wounds indigos hold in their bodies and give specific exercises for healing each one. The games have proven enormously helpful to these often-troubled kidsーeven preteens and teenagers. They celebrate the children’s different ways of perception and calm their agitation. The games involve some hands-on healing techniques, some scripted meditations, and other quick and simple techniques. Each game takes no more than two minutes to play, and this book features 101 black-and-white photographs showing parents exactly how to use the practices.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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