<p><strong>THE PRINCIPLES YOU NEED TO REACH YOUR DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE</strong> Anticipate the obstacles in the road ahead and prepare yourself for the adventure yet to come. Fifty-one thought provoking, entertaining stories drawn from Napoleon Hill’s original works including: ? THINK AND GROW RICH ? THE LAW OF SUCCESS ? NAPOLEON HILL’S MAGAZINE “If life is a journey . . . having a guiding compass to assist us in our daily navigation would make things easier. By knowing whether we are traveling in the proper direction or moving toward our ultimate destination, we can better calculate our outcomes ーJUDITH WILLIAMSON, Director, Napoleon Hill Foundation “Golden opportunities are lurking at every corner, waiting for the person with initiative to come along and discover them.”ーGEORGE HARRISON PHELPS</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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